The Waconia American Legion post’s move to The 4 Main Building on Main Street is still underway. (Al Lohman/The Patriot)
The Waconia American Legion post’s move to The 4 Main Building on Main Street is still underway. (Al Lohman/The Patriot)
Waconia American Legion Post 150 could be in its new home on Main Street in early November, according to latest projections from Legion leaders.
Interior reconstruction in the 4 Main Building from retail space to new bar, kitchen and clubroom is taking off and starting show progress after early delays, reports Joe Gifford, building committee chair. Structural steel and framing are largely in place and drywall work should begin soon.
With construction costs nearly doubling since the Legion decided on a new location just over a year ago (discussions have been going on since 2018) Post 150 building committee volunteers have been through some challenges to rescale earlier design plans and fund the project.
The post gained some relief through city of Waconia policy changes and a deferred payment structure related to sewer and water charges, also a $115,000 revolving loan from the city. In addition, the local Legion has applied for a $50,000 grant from the Carver County Community Development Agency.
The Legion largely vacated its former digs on Olive Street in late July, selling off most clubroom items and kitchen accessories with some remining items up for sale online; however, some club activities continue for now. The post been granted a lease extension from new building owner Waconia Investment Properties through September due to delays in its own plans to demolish the building and turn the site a new apartment complex. So, the clubroom bar is still open and bingo and other activities continue, including a final Nickle Dickle Day bash on Sept. 17.
While the new facility is considerably smaller than its 14,000 square foot former home, leaders expect the Legion to be able to serve the community like it has in the past.
The post has a close relationship with the Waconia Lions, and that community organization expects to make the new Legion building its new home, according to Gifford. The Lions have made frequent donations to the Legion in the past and are now paying for the flag and lighting that are expected to stand at the front entrance.
Legion Post 150 also has reached out to the Waconia VFW, whose former home on First Street is being converted into a new restaurant. Meanwhile, Post 150 is developing rental provisions for other uses like those that were held at the old building, such as parties, receptions and other events.
While the new facility won’t be able to accommodate as many patrons as the old halls– on the order of 100 versus 250 – Legion leaders note that the smaller leased space won’t come with as many building expenses either. The Legion has a 10-year lease agreement for its new space with options for four five-year extensions.
Gifford said the new clubroom also will be a much brighter space with more window views and broader front entrance opening.
Watch for a grand opening in November.
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